The Mayor of Ancient Olympia Mr. Giorgos Georgiopoulos and the Deputy Mayor for Sports Mr. Dimitris Costarias were present at the training of the National Softball Team at the facilities of the International Olympic Academy where the mission is hosted.
The President of the Hellenic Softball Federation, Mr. Kostis Liarommatis, together with the coaches, caretakers and athletes of the National Team, warmly welcomed Mr. Georgiopoulos and Kostaria, offering them souvenirs. With them, the President of the Federation discussed the problems and prospects of the sport in our country, conveying the excellent impressions of the mission from the stay and preparation in Olympia.
Mr. Georgiopoulos emphasized, among other things, that Ancient Olympia as the matrix of world sports should inspire athletes of all sports for the good fight, the "fair competition" of the ancient Greeks. He wished the National Team that the preparation they had in the holy land of Olympia, next to the oldest sports monument on the planet, would give the athletes energy for a good competitive course and in the future they would again prefer their preparation in the cradle of Olympism.
In a similar atmosphere were the statements of Mr. Kostaria, who emphasized that the Federation and its President rightly chose Ancient Olympia for the preparation of the National Team in the place that gave birth to sports and from which derive the timeless values of Olympism and wished health and good luck in their goals and competitive commitments. The Municipality of Ancient Olympia hosted a dinner for the mission, as part of its hospitality.